Frequently asked questions
Where can bidders obtain more information about the procedure?
Bidders should enquire with the relevant department as listed in the Tender Specifications.
What medium should bidders use to submit their bids?
All documentation should be provided in paper format. In addition, the financial offer should be sent by email in a pdf format to the relevant department manager, as specified in the Tender Specifications.
How is the final Contract Award decision notified?
Bidders may check the current status of the procedure and the final decision via the website of Fira Circuit in the “Contractor Profile” section. Bidders will also receive a written notice informing them as to whether they have been selected for award of the contract or whether their bid has been rejected.
With regard to the Negotiated Process, what terms can be negotiated in the Contract Model attached to the Specifications?
The Administrative Specifications will set out the financial and technical aspects that may be negotiated with the companies that respond to the tender.
When will the Provisional Guarantee be returned to the bidders who have not been selected for award?
Once bidders have been informed of the decision not to select them for award of the contract, they may collect the Provisional Guarantee directly from the relevant department’s office.
Is it necessary for several companies to establish a joint venture by way of a public deed in order to submit a joint bid?
Companies wishing to form a joint venture are only required to sign a written commitment that they will do so once they have been awarded the contract.
Will Fira Circuit issue certified copies of Administrative Documentation?
Fira Circuit will not make any certified copy of Administrative Documentation.