Festival de la Velocidad de Barcelona-Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe Powered by AWS 2024

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Blancpain GT Series Endurance Cup

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Bronze Test114.45 kB
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Entrenaments Lliures203.73 kB
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Sessió Pre-Classificació216.01 kB
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Qualificativa 1172.85 kB
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Qualificatiu 2181.05 kB
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Qualificatius 3 Provisional270.17 kB
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Qualificatius combinats155.01 kB
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Clasificatoria 1 Provisional140.05 kB
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Classificació Combinada168.33 kB
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Classificació Combinada Oficial343.78 kB
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1ª Hora de Cursa292.13 kB
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Resultats 2ª Hora207.18 kB
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Resultat Cursa Provisional159.24 kB
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Blancpain GT Sports Club

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Entrenamientos Libres 1 / Free Practice 1 / Entrenaments Lliures 1100.46 kB
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Entrenaments Lliures 2119.85 kB
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Graella Cursa Qualificativa 45.36 kB
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Entrenaments Qualificatius217.39 kB
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Cursa Qualificació140.29 kB
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Resultat qualificació108.53 kB
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Cursa Classificatòria110.78 kB
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Graella Cursa Principal43.68 kB
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Resultats Cursa109.68 kB
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Resusltats Cursa102.45 kB
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Resultats Cursa Provisional110.91 kB
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Resusltat Cursa Oficial102.88 kB
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GT4 European Series – FFSA French GT Champ.

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Entrenamientos Libres 1 / Free Practice 1 / Entrenaments Lliures 1211.63 kB
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Entrenamientos Libres 2 / Free Practice 2 / Entrenaments Lliures 2201.93 kB
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Entrenamientos Calificativos / Qualifying Practice / Entrenaments Qualificatius201.12 kB
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Graella Cursa 1
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Classificació Cursa 1217.39 kB
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Cursa 1283.92 kB
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Resultats Cursa 1239.81 kB
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Graella Cursa 265.87 kB
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Resultats Cursa 2221.82 kB
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Resultat Provisional Cursa 2191.07 kB
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Resultat Final Cursa 2250.17 kB
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Porsche Carrera Cup France & Benelux

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Entrenamientos Libres 1 / Free Practice 1 / Entrenaments Lliures 190.91 kB
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Entrenamientos Libres 2 / Free Practice 2 / Entrenaments Lliures 2183.44 kB
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Entrenamientos Calificativos / Qualifying Practice / Entrenaments Qualificatius362.92 kB
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Clasificación Final / Final Qualifying / Classificació Final433.57 kB
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Graella Cursa 142.45 kB
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Classificació Cursa 1195.46 kB
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Cursa 1289.79 kB
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Graella Cursa 245.24 kB
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Resultats Cursa 2191.26 kB
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Resultat Final Cursa 2215.94 kB
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FFSA F4 French Championship

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Entrenamientos Libres / Free Practice / Entrenaments Lliures43.15 kB
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Entrenamientos Calificativos / Qualifying Practice / Entrenaments Qualificatius162.98 kB
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Parrilla de salida / Starting grid / Graella de sortida39.24 kB
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Classificació cursa 197.6 kB
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Graella Cursa 238.06 kB
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Cursa 297.77 kB
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Resultats Cursa 2112.11 kB
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Graella Sortida Cursa 331.99 kB
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Resultats Cursa 398.94 kB
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Resultat Final Cursa 3105.01 kB
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Festival de la Velocidad de Barcelona

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